Notes and appreciation: 75th Commemorative issue

by | Jul 14, 2014 | Other News

By now, the publication commemorating Tidewater’s Jewish community’s 75 organized years should have made it to everyone’s mailboxes, and, hopefully, been opened, browsed though, and maybe even read.

We’ve heard from many readers (who must have opened, browsed and read) in the form of emails, calls and in-person visits to the Jewish News office. Most have offered favorable comments, which, of course, we appreciate and want to thank those thoughtful people for taking the time to share your impressions.

Some people have noted information that we could have or should have included about events that have taken place in the Tidewater Jewish community throughout the years. We appreciate those comments, too, and in fact are collecting them and soliciting more. We knew we’d unintentionally omit some items, but didn’t want to let that fear stop this publication. So, please send us what you feel should have been mentioned. We’ll include as much as possible in the on-line version (which can be found at and hope to find another use for the history in a future publication.

One unfortunate omission was Temple Emanuel’s advertisement. The ad was ordered and created, but somehow never made it to the publication. We hope the congregation accepts our apology for the error.

We heard from a few others who were dismayed that they hadn’t been asked to advertise. Lesson learned.

It took a lot of effort by a host of people to create the 75th. Thank you to the writers: Hal Sacks, Marilyn Goldman, Reba Karp, Laine Mednick Rutherford and Shayna Horwitz. Germaine Clair, our art director, as always, deserves much appreciation for her creativity, professionalism and patience. Thank you to those involved with advertising sales: Sandy Goldberg, Mark Hecht, Risa Levitt, Alex Pomerantz and Harry Graber. Charlotte Kelleher who takes care of billing and Marilyn Cerase who manages the circulation list, we always appreciate. The wonderful people at Teagle & Little, the magazine’s printer also deserve thanks. And finally, to Harry Graber, executive vice president of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, thank you for your support and guidance during the process.

Terri Denison
Editor, Jewish News