Planning for Camp JCC

by | Feb 24, 2022 | Other News

Camp professionals often get asked: What do you do during the school year? Is planning camp a full year job? What is going to happen this summer? Which week will be Color War? When will Kona Ice be coming? Will field trips be happening? If so, to where? Is your job to have fun at camp all day?

The proverb, “it takes a village to raise a child” aptly applies to camp, and Camp JCC takes pride in being a part of the village for so many. Camp JCC has unseen, but dedicated villagers behind the scenes to ensure that the framework for a great summer is set.

Many tasks occupy the camp team during the school year to ensure that questions regarding a successful program are considered and answered. One part of the village, Camp JCC’s experienced camp leadership team, collaborates throughout the school year preparing for a safe, fun, and enriching summer experience. Meetings take place, ideas are shared, feasibility is determined, contingencies are set, and a calendar of camp events takes shape.

A new special release of the Camp JCC calendar is slated for early March. Fun Friday activities, weekly themes, dress up days, special events, field trips (for older campers), and a few other surprises are set to be revealed.

While the camp team may be observed having fun full time during the school year and the summer, this is only possible with the incredible collaboration between the team-members. Camp JCC is ready to be a part of each family’s village during an unforgettable summer 2022.

Dave Flagler is director of Camp JCC.  He may be reached at

Dave Flagler