Sundays at the J for BBYO and BBYO Connect

by | Aug 31, 2012 | What’s Happening

Begin: Sunday, Sept. 9

Back to school means back to BBYO. Children entering ninth through 12th grades are eligible to join.

BBYO is the happening place to be on Sunday afternoons at the J. Teens participate in social action, Israel advocacy, community service, enjoy athletics, recreation and Judaic events. They meet other teens and make friendships that last a lifetime.

BBYO Connect is the BBYO experience for sixth through eighth graders, offering social and meaningful experiences that will serve as a gateway to continued involvement in Jewish life. BBYO Connect offers monthly events at the JCC and around the area.

The first BBYO Connect event, “You’ve Been Tagged” at Laser Tag in Virginia Beach takes place on Sunday, Sept. 9. Contact or 321-2324 for more information about either of these two programs.