Jewish Community Relations Council works for the community

by | Aug 11, 2022 | Other News

Encountering incidents of antisemitism—at school, in the neighborhood, or at work—is not unusual today, according to recent survey.

When acts of bigotry take place, however, most people don’t know where to turn or whom to contact.

The Jewish Community Relations Council tracks incidents and maintains close contacts with local, state, and federal law enforcement, as well as with educational partners such as the ADL and Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities. JCRC is an important partner in identifying, educating, and advocating on behalf of the Jewish community about antisemitism. Accordingly, it is vital the JCRC be made aware when anyone encounters antisemitism in order to adequately provide support, education, and solutions whenever possible.

Even when unsure if an incident is worth reporting as antisemitism, it is important to let the JCRC know about it to receive guidance.

United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s JCRC works to champion a thriving Jewish community in Tidewater, Israel, and around the world. Comprised of members representing each local Jewish agency and synagogue, the JCRC is the voice of the organized Jewish community, working to champion Jewish values and a respect for diversity along with a number of key topics, including fighting antisemitism and bigotry, fostering meaningful relationships within and outside of the Jewish community, supporting the security and prosperity of the state of Israel, and building cohesion and consensus in the Tidewater Jewish community.

To learn more about the Jewish Community Relations Council, go to or contact Elka Mednick, assistant director, Jewish Community Relations Council, at or 757-965-6112.

Elka Mednick