75 years of Jewish News

by | May 19, 2022 | Trending News

Dear Readers,

My first connections with Jewish News took place in the mid-1970s when, as an active teen in Tidewater’s Jewish community, my name and photo would sporadically appear on its pages.

As I renewed my activity in the community as a young adult, I’d find my name mentioned for serving on one committee or another, and always, with extreme dependability, the paper would magically appear in my mailbox.

Other than becoming its editor, my personal experience with the paper is not all that unique. Over the course of 75 years, thousands of people have been featured within its pages and tens of thousands more have received the paper in the mail.

For some, Jewish News is their only source of Jewish-oriented news, where they learn about events taking place in the community, and, so often I hear, how they keep up with obituaries. For others, it reinforces connections and educates.

Whatever the reasons readers take the time to peruse its pages, all of us who work on the paper appreciate the readership and comments we receive about its look, advertisers, and content. That’s because we’re committed to producing a paper we can all be proud of.

An NBC television director once told me, “It can always be better if your name is on it.” Like the editors before me, I consider his words daily.

Thank you all for reading and for being a part of this, our 75th Anniversary edition.

Mazel Tov to Jewish News!

Terri Denison
