Next week we will hold our biennial meeting of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and the Simon Family JCC, where I will transition out of the board presidency and introduce John Strelitz as the incoming president. John’s presidency will continue a Strelitz legacy that has benefitted our community tremendously over the years.
John’s father, Joseph “Buddy” Strelitz and his uncle, Leonard Strelitz, were dynamic and passionate leaders, who worked with other venerable families to build this community to previously unforeseen heights in support of a dynamic Federation and a more secure Israel.
The Strelitz brothers set the bar and we, the present beneficiaries, have worked hard to maintain our lofty position in order to provide for those in need here and around the world, to encourage Jewish culture and awareness in our community and to help secure our Jewish homeland in Israel. We are a small, but mighty community with a respected national reputation.
Still, to stay strong, we have made critical changes during the past two years. We have streamlined our organization by combining management of the Federation and Simon JCC, we have moved JFS operations into our main campus building and we have completely renovated our fitness gym to remain state-of-theart in the face of ever-increasing competition.
Most importantly, we continue to raise the dollars needed to support our agencies—both large and small, and to send well over a million dollars overseas to save and enhance lives in Israel and around the world. Thank you to all who step up year after year with your generosity and spirit of giving. We ask a lot of you and you always come through.
We are also blessed in our community with professionals and staff within our agencies and organizations who are talented and hard working and who care deeply about achieving excellence for their and our behalf.
So as we bestow honors and celebrate the leadership transition at our June 7 Biennial meeting, know that there are certainly challenges ahead in the Jewish World and in our community— there always are. But also know that we will have the leadership strength of the Strelitz legacy, embodied by John Strelitz, as we continue to work together with the passion and dedication for which our proud community is known.
L’dor v’dor.
Jay Klebanoff
President, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater