Yoni Alter
Israel-born Yoni Alter’s work is characterized by his bold use of color and his integration between the graphic and artistic, between the figurative and the abstract, and between form and space. Alter studied art and design in Jerusalem before completing his MA in graphic design at University of the Arts, London.
Alter has impressive clients, having created the iconic branding for London’s TV channel London Live. He also has a best-selling range of merchandise at the prestigious Tate in London and MOMA in New York. His exhibit, Shape of Cities, where his eye-catching posters of city skylines around the world has been much celebrated, has created a keen following. It is currently showing at the Leon Family Gallery. Pieces are available for purchase. All proceeds benefit the Simon Family JCC.
Erez Kaganovitz: Humans of Tel Aviv
Inspired by the widely popular blog, Humans of New York, Israeli journalist, photographer, and self-professed feminist Erez Kaganovitz founded Humans of Tel Aviv in 2012. The project aims to capture the bright and inclusive civil society in Israel and show the world that the people of Israel share similar values and issues as those in New York, Paris, or Toronto.
Kaganovitz’s photos are unique, creative, and beautifully expressed, featuring people from all walks of life. As he says, “When I upload pictures I am trying to upload stories that capture the intensity of this country, and pictures that have a story to tell.” His one-of-a-kind photographs will be on display in the Leon Family Gallery. Pieces available for purchase. All proceeds benefit the Simon Family JCC.
– Erin Dougherty