With two decades of outstanding films, this is a milestone 20th year for the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presented by Alma* and Howard Laderberg.
The 20th anniversary of the festival offers an eclectic collection of films that won’t be available anywhere else locally.
Screening committee co-chairs William Laderberg and Mark Robbins, along with the committee members, teamed up to watch more than 100 films. After months of watching and discussing, the group narrowed the search down to 11 films described by Robbins as “entertaining, thought provoking, fascinating films sure to satisfy our diverse audience.”
“Finding the perfect mix of films to celebrate the 20th Annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presented by Alma* and Howard Laderberg was one of the most difficult, yet ultimately satisfying tasks I have ever done,” says Laderberg. “We have selected a broad range of quality feature films from all over the world, with the emphasis on entertainment, combined with some that may inform you and some that may even make you think a little.”
The festival will kick off with a free screening at the Simon Family JCC on Sunday, Jan. 13. Opening night on Saturday, Jan. 19, will take place at the Sandler Center in Virginia Beach, and the remainder will be screened at the Roper Performing Arts Center in Norfolk through Sunday, Jan. 27.
All films shown at The Roper Performing Arts Center unless otherwise noted *of blessed memory Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.