Friday, January 14 and Saturday, January 15
The Shabbos of January 14 and 15, B’nai Israel will celebrate the congregation’s 75th anniversary with a gala kiddush. B’nai Israel Congregation serves the Jewish community however possible.
To help enhance this very special Shabbos, Simcha Leiner, a world class Chazzan and an inspiring personality, will lead the prayers throughout.
A Commemorative Book is being put together that highlights the congregation’s history in print and pictures. The book will also include memory ad pages. The organizers of the celebration hope to hear from as many past and present members as possible. A memory may be of a grandparent at Shabbat services, or a friend from a Purim party. A memory may be of a Bar or Bas Mitzvah or of a special High Holiday tune.
“Look through your photos, and as you go down memory lane, send photos of your of B’nai Israel events to,“ says Tehilla Mostfosky, an event co-chair.
“We have many surprises planned,” says Amy Brooke, co-chair of the event.
For more information, or to become a donor, contact Amy Brooke at 757-287-7238 or Tehilla Mostofsky at 757-572-2581.