Switch Day at Beth Sholom Village

by | Dec 7, 2012 | What’s Happening

Tuesday, Dec. 25, 7 am–3 pm

Switch Day is going Retro. Volunteer at Beth Sholom Village on Dec. 25 and dress up like a “greaser” or pull out a “Poodle Skirt,” “grease your hair,” or put it in a “beehive.”

7–9 am
9–11 am
11 am–1 pm
1–3 pm

Volunteer opportunities include games, a dance off, sing-along, ice cream and more.

Sign up for a shift by Dec. 20. E-mail or call Marcia Brodie mbrodie@bethsholomvillage.com or 757-420-2512 Ext 204; Allison Whiteman awhiteman@bethsholomvillage.com or 757-961-3054.