Wednesday, March 20, 7 pm
Israel and the West with Rabbi David Barnett
Benjamin Netanyahu and many others have noted that most of the Arab world “does not hate the United States because of Israel, but rather hates Israel because of the United States.” Indeed, on the part of those who object to the mere existence of a Jewish state, there is a world outlook rooted in unresolved anger and resentment that sees Israel as representative of an “intrusion” of former Western colonial powers into the “heart” of the “indigenous Arab world,” rather than the Jewish nation having a 3,500-year-old solid history and connection to the land of Israel through borders, language, and culture.
To the extent that the media does not clearly differentiate and clarify that underlying bias, true insight as to the underlying basic position of Israel’s enemies does not come to light. Thus, all discussions of territorial return, peace negotiations, and certainly all issues relating to Arab selfgovernance in the territories of Judah and Samaria become obfuscated by the underlying refusal on the part of the Palestinian representatives to clearly and unequivocally state their agreement and acknowledgment of the fundamental right of Israel to exist as a free and independent Jewish nation—a nation which shares all of the key essential values most treasure in a free and democratic world.
This program offers an opportunity to explore and discuss two short films of interest with respect to these important issues. The first, titled, Shared Values, is an extremely moving, informative, and passionate presentation citing leading legal scholars and diplomats demonstrating the fundamental convergence of shared values between Israel and the West. The second film, Israel and the Media is a brilliant and provocative expose of the extent to which media influences public opinion, and in particular discusses the disproportionate media coverage with respect to Israel, existent biases in coverage, and explores the root cause of this media imbalance.
Be sure to come and participate in this very enlightening and stimulating event provided through the auspices of the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and local synagogues and temples. To RSVP or to learn about other CRC events and issues relevant to the Tidewater Jewish community and beyond, visit