Ruby Lions kick-off the UJFT 2025 Campaign

On a pleasantly cool and beautiful August evening, 25 Ruby Lions (UJFT Lion of Judah women giving at the $10K+ level) gathered for dinner at the home of Annie Sandler, in what may be a first-ever in Tidewater… an event where the women’s division kicked-off the Annual Campaign! Sandler opened the evening by thanking all for coming and for their steadfast support of the community’s Annual Campaign. “I am sure we can all agree,” she began, “that these are incredibly difficult times in our world, and especially our Jewish world…” and that this event was especially meaningful, coming, as it did, during an incredibly tumultuous week in Israel.

Sandler thanked Betsy Karotkin, Women’s Philanthropy chair, and Mona Flax, UJFT General Campaign chair, for all of their hard work and years of dedication on behalf of the community, as well as the UJFT professional staff. “I would like to point out,” she said, “that our entire Federation Development Team is now made up of women! So, you know it is going to work well.” And to prove her point, Sandler reminded all that last year’s 2024 Campaign raised more than $5 million; the community’s Israel Emergency Campaign raised nearly another $5 million; and non-Annual Campaign fundraising (Red Rose, White Rose, Patron of the Arts, grants, and sponsorships across all areas of programming) brought in nearly another $1 million.

David Makovsky was the evening’s featured speaker. A noted Middle East scholar, author, and lecturer (with an incredible network of highly placed contacts and co-authors around the world), Makovsky briefed the women about events and dynamics which had marked recent days in the Middle East and about those that might be expected in the days to come. He addressed Israel’s relationships with the United States, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and other Arab nations. He even mentioned a possible role for China in the currently unfolding geopolitical events. Makovsky spoke to the possibilities and probabilities of a cease-fire/hostage agreement (not particularly hopeful) as well as the broader picture of normalization between Israel and its Arab neighbors (much more optimistic), led by efforts from Saudi Arabia. He also addressed the issues of protests, encampments, and marches taking place on college campuses across the country and his 170+ visits to these campuses, since October 7.

Following an intense Q & A, the evening wrapped up with remarks from Sandler and a reminder that this is the start of the 2025 campaign. She encouraged the women to think about their giving and the great and growing needs of the Jewish world.

As the sun set on this year’s Ruby Lion event, participants left with what may best be described as a sense of extremely cautious optimism, but with the universal hope for better days ahead.

Shelly Simon, Shari Friedman, Renee Strelitz, and Linda Ausch.
Shelly Simon, Shari Friedman, Renee Strelitz, and Linda Ausch.
Laura Miller, Lynn Schoenbaum, Betty Ann Levin, and Laura Gross.
Laura Miller, Lynn Schoenbaum, Betty Ann Levin, and Laura Gross.
Ann Copeland and Jodi Klebanoff.
Ann Copeland and Jodi Klebanoff.
Annie Sandler, Barbara Parks, and Karen Jaffe.
Annie Sandler, Barbara Parks, and Karen Jaffe.
Betsy Karotkin and Annie Sandler.
Betsy Karotkin and Annie Sandler.
David Makovsky.
David Makovsky.
Laura Gross and Mona Flax.
Laura Gross and Mona Flax.
Naomi Limor Sedek, Bonnie Brand, and Betty Ann Levin.
Naomi Limor Sedek, Bonnie Brand, and Betty Ann Levin.
Dylan Sandler, David Makovsky, and Annie Sandler.
Dylan Sandler, David Makovsky, and Annie Sandler.
Janet Mercadante and Shari Friedman.
Janet Mercadante and Shari Friedman.
Joan London and Annie Sandler.
Joan London and Annie Sandler.
Renee Strelitz, Randi Strelitz, Rachael Feigenbaum, Shelly Simon, and Jessica Strelitz.
Renee Strelitz, Randi Strelitz, Rachael Feigenbaum, Shelly Simon, and Jessica Strelitz.