Baking for Rosh Hashanah: Women unite to support JFS

Every year, the Jewish Family Service Food Pantry—a cornerstone of Jewish Tidewater’s support system—assembles Rosh Hashanah care packages for more than 120 seniors, many of whom live in nursing homes or are homebound. These holiday bags, filled with essentials such as apples, honey, and round challah rolls, are a reminder that preserving seniors’ dignity and delivering these holiday items to them ensures they are able to celebrate this time of year, too.

Rosh Hashanah is a time not only for reflection but also for tzedakah. This year, women from across the area came together to contribute something particularly meaningful: homemade challah rolls. These rolls represent more than just a holiday staple—they symbolize the care, tradition, and compassion that define Jewish values.

On Sunday, September 22, nearly 30 women gathered to bake more than 250 challah rolls for the Rosh Hashanah bags. The initiative, which began in the early hours of the morning with dough making, was filled with the sound of laughter, shared stories, and the warmth of bonds being strengthened. Women from all corners of the community came together, united by a shared mission to meet new people and give back to neighbors.

This event was able to take place because of established partnerships from across the community. Gratitude is extended to everyone who contributed their time and effort to make this event a success – from the organizers to the volunteers who helped bake the challah and those who packed and delivered the Rosh Hashanah bags. Temple Emanuel allowed the women the use of its space, Emily Krouse from the Food Pantry provided the opportunity to contribute, and Shikma Rubin and Gabi Kocerha provided the planning support. Everyone’s efforts were instrumental in making this happen. The group hopes that this type of event can be replicated and expanded in future years.

Those who are interested in contributing to the JFS Food Pantry, have any questions, or are interested in volunteering, should contact Emily Krouse at or 757-321-2227. 

Those who are looking for other ways to support the growing “Jewish Women’s Circle” or want to meet other women and contribute to the community, contact Anna Fox at

L’Shana Tova—wishing everyone a sweet New Year!

Naomi Sedek and Emily Krouse add egg wash to the first batch of rolls before baking.