Renovations planned for Norfolk Mikvah’s Conversion/Men’s mikvah

Whether identifying as Reform, Conservative, or Orthodox, the Norfolk Mikvah enables every Jew in Tidewater to access the transformative, rejuvenating power of a mikvah.

Brides before their wedding, those in the process of converting to Judaism, married women who keep the laws of family purity, men immersing before Shabbos or the High Holidays, and people who perform the mitzvah of tevilas keilim (immersing vessels) are served throughout the year by the Norfolk Mikvah, located in Ghent.

The Norfolk Mikvah is fortunate to have three separate mikvahs, each with a specific purpose. The women’s mikvah was added to the original building and opened in 2020. The keilim mikvah (immersing vessels before use with food), opened in 2024.

The original building was constructed in 1960. This portion of the mikvah is used for conversions and Jewish male immersions. Although a few updates to the interior have been made, a complete renovation has not occurred.

This year, the Norfolk Mikvah is planning a renovation of this portion to offer a more meaningful and pleasant experience for the men and women going through conversion. Afterall, this should be as beautiful and special of a time as possible.

Updates will give the men who use the mikvah a more modern interior to enhance their immersion and likewise provide some much-needed safety updates for all.

Some of the updates include:

  • Improved electrical work in and around the shower and sink areas
  • Installation of a GFI outlet by the sink
  • Replacement of old lighting in the shower area with LEDs
  • Updates of old outlets and light switch covers
  • New fixture placed above the sink with LEDs
  • Safety rails installed in the bathtub/shower area, including one by the toilet
  • Replacement of the current vanity with one that meets industry standards for height
  • Installation of new countertop and sink with a more water-efficient faucet
  • Replacement of slippery and uneven flooring with luxury vinyl plank flooring.

Across all three mikvahs, it is estimated there are 1,000 or more uses per year.

To donate to the renovation, send cash or a check to: Norfolk Mikvah, 420 Spotswood Ave., Norfolk, VA 23517 or use Zelle: or go to