The 26th Annual Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Golf Tournament, more affectionately known as the Bob Josephberg Classic, was a successful and fun event that took place on a beautiful day. Originally scheduled for Sept. 9, the tournament was delayed until Oct. 21 due to excessive rain.
Special thanks go to many for their hard work and commitment to make everything work seamlessly. The school is grateful to all of the tournament sponsors for their big-hearted generosity, Bayville Golf Club for their kindness and assistance in coordinating the rain date, and to the Cardo Café for their flexibility and outstanding food. HAT is also indebted to the 86 players and numerous volunteers who adjusted their schedules to participate in the postponed tournament. Rachel Abrams, volunteer coordinator, did an amazing job scheduling volunteers for two separate dates.
While there were many new players and sponsors this year, the date change made it impossible for a few of the tournament veterans to attend. Bob and Sheila Josephberg, Steve Sandler, Ron Kramer, Marvin Friedberg, Aaron Peck, Alvin Wall, Abbey Horwitz and Nathan Benson were certainly missed.
The school is especially thankful for the continued support and advice of Angela Jenkins, who ran the tournament with Bob Josephberg for years, and to Josephberg himself, who continues to assist in the tournament fundraising.
“Bob and Angela, you have made a world of difference to countless HAT students and families. Thank you for your tremendous loyalty,” says David Cardon, tournament chair since 2011.
Randi Gordon, president of the HAT board of trustees, says, “thank you to the entire community for supporting the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Konikoff Center of Learning and the Strelitz Early Childhood Center. This year the school celebrates its 60th anniversary. You are part of our collective history and continued future.”
Hebrew Academy of Tidewater is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.
by Deb Segaloff and Patti Seeman