Tuesday, June 16, 6 pm
The community is invited, and encouraged to attend the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s 2015 Biennial Meeting. This free event will take place at the Sandler Family Campus.
Leadership of the UJFT will pass from current president Miles Leon to incoming nominee, Jay Klebanoff. Leon will be recognized for his inspirational and effective guidance of the Federation over the past two years.
Six other exceptional community leaders, committee members and professional staff will be recognized and given top UJFT awards at the Biennial.
Anne Fleder, Amy Levy and Linda Spindel will be honored for chairing the Holocaust Commission, General Campaign, and Israel and Overseas committee, respectively.
Rachel Shames will receive of the Leonard R. Strelitz Young Leadership Award, Dolores and Alan Bartel will receive the Joseph H. Strelitz Memorial Award for Distinguished Community Service, and Dorothy Salomonsky will be presented with the Tidewater Jewish Community’s Professional Service Award.
The evening will also feature a Coming Together update, informing those present of changes at the Sandler Family Campus. All are invited to stay for the Biennial reception, with kosher hors d’oeuvres and cocktails.
RSVP by email to sgolden@ujft.org, or call 757-965-6124.