Inspirational start to the New Year at Campaign Kickoff

by | Sep 11, 2015 | Other News

The Jewish High Holidays are an annual reminder of what it means to be Jewish, inspiring personal growth and commitment, not just to one’s self, but to the greater Jewish community.

A great motivator to start 5776 on a positive note, through awareness and action, can be found at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Annual Campaign Kickoff, a free event open to the community.

Jerry Silverman, president and CEO of The Jewish Federations of North America, is the Kickoff’s special guest and featured speaker.

As one of the world’s most well-informed Jewish communal professionals, Silverman will share his observations of the challenges facing North American Jews, as well as Jews around the world, what’s being done to meet those challenges, and where help is desperately needed.

“Jews don’t have the luxury of ‘sticking our heads in the sand,’” says Jay Klebanoff, president of UJFT.

“The more we are aware of the issues, the more prepared we will be to address them with intelligence, saykhel, and community resources. We are blessed as Jews in this community and in the United States with the freedom and ability to make a difference; to do otherwise would be a shande.”

Campaign Kickoff marks the official start to the programs, conversations, and fundraising efforts which are part of the 2016 Annual Campaign. Funds raised during the Campaign season are used to support area Jewish agencies such as Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, scholarships for local schools and summer camps, and vulnerable Jewish populations abroad, in addition to many other programs and organizations.

Scheduling the Kickoff for the beginning of the Jewish New Year makes sense, says Karen Jaffe, Campaign chair. With the combination of renewal and insight that comes during High Holiday observations and celebrations, and inspiration from Silverman and community members, Jaffe says anyone and everyone in the community can begin, right away, to help create a Jewish future.

To RSVP for the Annual Campaign Kickoff, contact, or call 757-965-6115. Visit for more information.