Sunday, Jan. 24, 2–3:30 pm, Slover Library, Norfolk
In response to increasing Islamophobia, xenophobia and divisive rhetoric, Standing Together is an initiative to bring diverse groups in Tidewater together to speak out and stand with the Muslim community and others who are marginalized.
Led by the Virginia Center for Inclusive communities, the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and other community leaders are part of the coalition promoting and supporting the effort.
The program will feature a clergy media conference and an interfaith panel discussion. For more information, visit
Other organizers and participants include representatives from the Center for the Study of Religious Freedom at Virginia Wesleyan College, Chrysler Museum of Art, Congregation Beth Chaverim, Crescent Community Center, First Presbyterian Church of Virginia Beach, Hampton Mosque and Islamic Center, Hampton Roads Pride, Masjid William Salaam, Multicultural Alliance of Virginia, Muslim Community of Tidewater, Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations, Virginia Organizing, and others.
A similar effort is underway in Richmond.