April 13, 2007
At the recent B’nai B’rith Youth Organization’s International Convention held in Houston, Texas, Virginia Council BBYO received an International Programming Award for the Lost Boys of the Sundan program held last fall.
April 11, 1997
In an article by Dr. Arthur S. Kaplan, titled, ‘Why is Passover late this year?,’ he notes: In every 19-year cycle there are seven leap years which occur in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th years. Passover occurs latest in the 8th year of the cycle because there are four leap years in the 10-year period preceding the 8th year.”
April 10, 1987
Tidewater Advocates of Jewish Education announces the establishment of a Judaic Studies Program and a Jewish Institute of Educators, which will begin this summer. Each of these programs is made possible through the support of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation.
Annable Sacks, TAJE chair says, “The realization of these projects is a major step in the professionalization of area Jewish educators, while also providing unique opportunities for adult education for the community at large.”
April 1, 1967
On Sunday, April 2 at 12:30 pm on WAVY-TV, there will be a special color program in honor of Jewish Music Month. An original script, The Music of Our People, written and narrated by Rabbi Bernard Glassman of Gomley Chesed Synagogue, will be presented. Featured in the program will be Rev. Paul Grob, the Hazzan of Gomley Chesed, Rev. Richard Smith, the Hazzan of Temple Israel, and Rev. Lawrence Tiger, the Hazzan of Beth El Temple.
March 1, 1957
S.S. Mecca arrive Athens March 6 with 1,113 Jews from Egypt, including 339 children under age of 12. Movement of the entire group to Israel began Friday. Total departures from Egypt now about 14,000.
April 1, 1947
Passover 1947 will see Jewish survivors throughout Europe provided with more than 8,000,000 pounds of matzah, hatzoth meal, macaroons and other Holy Day foods by the Joint Distribution Committee.