Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz.
On Saturday, June 15, Congregation Beth El gathered at a special Shabbat Service to honor and wish Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz and his family a very heartfelt L’Hitraot—but not goodbye!
The Arnowitz family left Beth El’s Congregational family on June 30 to depart first to Camp Ramah and then onto their new home in Massapequa, N.Y., where Rabbi Arnowitz will begin his duties as the senior rabbi at the Westchester Jewish Center.
Rabbi Arnowitz served as rabbi at Beth El for eight remarkable years and he and his wife Tami shared their lives and home with the congregation. The rabbi was responsible for keeping Beth El abreast of the changes in the Conservative movement, yet remaining cognizant of the traditions in our synagogue. He fostered many new programs and learning experiences that were enjoyed by a large number of congregants and others in the entire Jewish community.
He was also active in the general community, helping to form the interfaith and intercultural HUBB, Hands United Building Bridges with his friend Rev. Antipas Harris. Rabbi Arnowitz served on several boards—both of Jewish organizations and communal.
But most of all, he was a friend, a counselor, religious leader, someone who was easy to talk with, and a mensch.
Beth El wishes him well and mazel tov on his new congregation.
Linda Samuels
Linda Samuels is president of Congregation Beth El.