A great day on the links at the Strelitz International Academy’s 35th Annual Golf Tournament

by | Oct 12, 2023 | Trending News

Carin Simon
It was another hole in one event for the Strelitz International Academy’s 35th Annual Golf Tournament, affectionately known as the Bob Josephberg Classic. The tournament took place on Wednesday, August 30 at the Virginia Beach National Golf Club.

The Bob Josephberg Classic is SIA’s biggest annual fundraiser. This year, with the help of more than 100 generous sponsors, the tournament raised almost $150,000. The funds go directly towards the future of Jewish education and community leadership in Tidewater by providing financial sustainability and broader access to SIA for all families.

Following opening remarks by Babbi Bangel and David Leon, SIA Golf Tournament co-chairs, the players teed off in a Florida best ball style tournament. A brand-new Maserati and Mercedes from Charles Barker Automotive for the hole in one competition, sponsored by Charles Barker and Towne Insurance, were visible at check in.

“We are so fortunate for the ongoing commitment and support of our community and business partners who contribute to the success of our Golf Tournament year after year. It was wonderful to see both new and returning golfers who enjoy a great day and the opportunity to network with other SIA supporters at our annual event. Our entire SIA community thanks everyone who participated in making our largest fundraising event such a resounding success,” says Leon.

Heather Moore, head of school, says, “With the tremendous enrollment growth the school has seen in the last five years, the tournament helps to provide the required funding. I want to thank all of our donors for their support, allowing us to provide more scholarships to our growing student body and funding, which enabled us to add two more classrooms this past summer. We would not be able to provide such an exceptional education for our students without our wonderful donors!”

A delicious box lunch and after play reception was catered by the Cardo Cafe. New this year was a Silent Auction offering items for sale including framed Taylor Swift handwritten lyrics and a diamond necklace donated by Diamonds Direct, which also contributed to meeting the school’s fundraising goal.

The tournament’s big 1st flight winners were Ron Kramer, Alvin Wall, Rick Westbrook, and Chris Lyon.

Carin Simon, SIA director of advancement, may be reached at 757-424-4327 or csimon@strelitzacademy.org.