I have so many great Passover memories because it has always been my favorite holiday, starting as a child sitting around my Aunt Florence’s dining room table in Baltimore with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins on my father’s side. I can’t believe how many of us fit around that table, but my grandfather would always say “Plenty Room-Plenty Room.”
One of our customs was chicken soup at the first seder and a beet soup, called rossel, at the second. We would sing all of the songs in Hallel—and all those at the end too. (I had a very musical family).
Right after the meal, before continuing with Bircat, we always got a call from my Uncle Carl, who had moved his family to South Carolina. I continue that custom by still calling his daughter in Atlanta at the same time during our seder.
For many years after we moved to Virginia, we would go back to Baltimore for seders, even though much of the family had passed or dispersed across the country. This picture, taken in 1977 (as you can tell by the hair), shows me holding our daughter Michelle at the last seder at Aunt Florence’s. Since that time, we have built new memories at our own seders with our KBH family and friends.
I hope that we have provided the same memories for our children that my family provided for me so many years ago.
By the way, Aunt Florence’s table is now in our dining room, and our daughter, Maura, has already claimed it.
– David Proser