Tidewater BBYO invites all area Jewish teens to get involved.
BBYO provides teens in eighth through 12th grades the opportunity to make friends, gain leadership experience, and have fun being Jewish. All BBYO programming is peer led: the teens plan and create all their own programming and activities—with adult supervision. In addition to local programming, BBYO teens can travel and meet other teens from across the region, country, and even internationally. Older teens mentor younger teens from inside and outside the auspices of their leadership roles, and lifelong friendships are formed. BBYO is non-denominational and anyone can join.
BBYO has deep roots in the Tidewater Jewish community. Many community leaders participated in the program as youth. The legacy of the impact that the BBYO experience had on their lives is evident and helps to strengthen Jewish life in Tidewater today.
This is a great opportunity to have fun, connect with other teens, enjoy being Jewish, and plant the seeds for future Jewish life in Tidewater,
To learn more about BBYO or other ways that teens can get involved in the Tidewater Jewish community, contact Dave Flagler, director of Camp and Teen Engagement at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, at DFlagler@UJFT.org or 757-452-3182.