Tuesday, January 14, 7:30 pm, Sandler Family Campus
On the morning of October 7, Shahar Dekel and his now wife were fortunate to be away from their home in Kibbutz Nahal Oz. Many of their friends and neighbors, however, were not so fortunate and instead were killed or taken hostage. With nothing but the clothes on his back — flip-flops, shorts, and a T-shirt — and his trusted camera, Dekel arrived at an IDF base on October 8 to begin his reservist duty.
Since the start of the war, Dekel has served two terms of reserve duty, both in Gaza and Lebanon. Every photograph he has taken on the frontlines tells a distinct story, providing a window into the personal moments, struggles, and victories of those putting their lives on the line to protect Israel and its people.
Hear from Dekel and experience an unfiltered view of the battlefield, as well as the humanity within the war, as part of the 14th annual Israel Today series presented by the Jewish Community Relations Council of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, all area synagogues, and Community Partners.
Through Dekel’s lens, viewers see the ordinary moments of shaving, showering, and brushing teeth — alongside more profound experiences such as weddings, prayers, and injury. His photography captures a sense of shared humanity. As he describes it, “We are first people, and then soldiers. The moments I cherish most are not those of the heroic soldier or the tank, but of the humanity that exists within the war.”
Dekel says he hopes that these photos will allow the world to see through his eyes. “We are just simple people who want to return home to our friends, children, and wives.”
Dekel’s exhibit Through My Eyes: A War Diary will be featured in the Leon Family Gallery on the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus throughout January and February.
Free and open to the community with pre-registration required, RSVP to JewishVA.org/IsraelToday or contact NTrem@ujft.org.