Tuesday, September 12, 6:30 pm
Sandler Family Campus
United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s 2018 Annual Campaign kicks off with a cocktail reception and keynote address by acclaimed author and lecturer, David Hazony. An American-born Israeli writer, translator, and editor of The Tower Magazine, Hazony is a senior member of The Israel Project.
The entire Jewish community is encouraged to celebrate the start of a new campaign and the opening night of a yearlong celebration of Israel’s 70th birthday. This year’s event is held in partnership with UJFT’s Israel Today series.
In a year that promises many exciting opportunities to join together, the Federation’s “Powered by Federation” theme speaks to the vast array of programs and services funded by UJFT and delivered by local and overseas beneficiary agencies. It also speaks to the herculean efforts of JDC volunteers and professionals, who, for example, battle through war zones to ensure that elderly Jews in Ukraine receive food boxes and a modicum of social interaction. In addition, Powered by Federation acknowledges the technological advancements occurring in Israel which seek to improve the world in many areas, including medicine, water reclamation, and energy production.
The start of the annual campaign signals a re-dedication to the Jewish community of Tidewater, so it is no coincidence that Campaign kickoff takes place near Rosh Hashanah—a time in the Jewish calendar which asks Jews to be introspective and to challenge themselves to do all that they can to improve themselves and the world around them. As the community approaches the start of the New Year and a new campaign, it’s the right time for asking, for thinking, and for supporting one another. ‘In the coming weeks, Federation volunteers and professionals will make calls and set appointments to ask for support from members of the Jewish community. Those calls might include requests for a faceto- face meeting during the mid-October Week of Extraordinary Deeds or perhaps ask for a meeting over coffee or lunch, or maybe even come from a brand new solicitor who will nervously ask for a gift for the very first time.
The support of Tidewater Jewish community donors enables the Federation to make a tremendous impact locally, as well as for vulnerable communities around the world. Donors are the fuel that powers the Federation.
Throughout the year, the Federation will bring to life stories about the programs and people impacted by UJFT funds in future Jewish News articles. Make sure to follow the Federation on Facebook.
For more information on Campaign kickoff or to RSVP, contact Melissa Eichelbaum at meicelbaurm@ujft.org or 757-965-6100.