✡️ Simon Family JCC Seniors Club
Model Passover Seder
Led by Rabbi David Bockman
Wednesday, April 9, 12 – 2 pm
Simon Family JCC
Information: Mia Klein, program
department/seniors program coordinator, 757-452-3184 or MKlein@UJFT.org
✡️Beth Chaverim
Passover Community Seder with Temple Emanuel
Sunday, April 13, 6 pm
Main entrée choice of salmon or vegetarian
Cost: $45 ages 13+ years (nonmembers
$55), $30 ages 5-12, (nonmembers $40),
free under 5 years old.
RSVP by April 2: www.tevb.org.
Temple Emanuel
✡️ Chabad of Tidewater
Community Seder
Saturday, April 12, 8:30 pm
RSVP: www.ChabadOfTidewater.com
Community Seder
Sunday, April 13, 8:30 pm
RSVP: www.ChabadOfTidewater.com
Kabbalat Shabbat/Mariv and Shabbat dinner
Friday, April 18, 8 pm
RSVP: 757-616-0770
Special Moshiach Meal
Sunday, April 20, 7 pm
RSVP: 757-616-0770
✡️ Congregation Beth El
Fast of the First Born – In-person Minyan and Siyyum, followed by light breakfast
Thursday, April 10, 7:15 am
Congregation Beth El
RSVP: 757-625-7821
Burning of the Chametz
Friday, April 11, 9 – 11 am
Congregation Beth El’s kitchen parking lot
Pesach Dinner
Friday, April 18, 7:30 pm
Congregation Beth El
RSVP: 757-625-7821
✡️ Ohef Sholom Temple
Congregational Second Night Seder
Led by Rabbi Roz and Cantor Jen.
Guests are welcome to bring their own
Sunday, April 13, 6 – 8 pm.
Arrive no later than 5:45 pm, as the Seder
will begin promptly at 6 pm.
Cost: $42.50 (ages 13+), $22.50 (ages
6-12), $10 (ages 2-5), Free (under 2).
Ohef Sholom Temple
RSVP: 757-625-4295.
✡️ Temple Emanuel
Passover Community Seder with Beth Chaverim
Sunday, April 13, 6 pm
Main entrée choice of salmon or vegetarian
Cost: $45 ages 13+ years (nonmembers
$55), $30 ages 5-12, (nonmembers $40),
free under 5 years old.
Temple Emanuel
RSVP by April 2: www.tevb.org