Wednesday, Nov. 15, 11 am, Simon Family JCC
Ali Katz is a mindfulness guru. Her mission is to inspire people across the globe to leave stress and guilt behind and to embrace a life full of balance, presence, and joy.
Katz began her journey when she realized that as a mother of two young boys and two adorable pups, as a committed wife, runner, and yogi, she was so exhausted, she didn’t have the stamina to take care of her family, or herself, the way she wanted. Then, at 34, Katz was stricken with cancer. “It was a massive wake up call to take better care of myself, to make myself a priority, and to make sure that I was going to be around for my kids and to see them grow up,” she says.
Katz became a certified meditation teacher, life coach, parenting coach, motivational speaker, and author and began incorporating the tools she learned into her everyday life. Through this process, Katz worked to create balance and find the patience to allow herself to be her best possible self, which also allowed her to be the best mom she could be.
Through a partnership between the Simon Family JCC’s Lee & Bernard Jaffe* Family Jewish Book Festival and Jewish Family Service, Katz will speak about the tools she has gained and how to use them to beat stress in one minute or less.
“Everyone has different ways of living a healthy life, but Ali Katz has it down to a science…Hot Mess to Mindful Mom leaves you with a feeling of hope and a feeling that if Ali can do it, so can I, because you see that she practices what she preaches,” says Just Vibe Houston.
Tickets are $12 for potential JCC members and $8 for current JCC members and include lunch.
For more information or to RSVP, visit or contact Erin Dougherty, director of cultural arts, at 757-321-2341.
*of blessed memory
– Erin Dougherty