Based on the concept that everyone should be a student and that anyone can be a teacher, Tidewater Yom Limmud is an opportunity to teach a workshop on any and all areas of Jewish content. Take part in this festival of Jewish culture through shared learning by teaching about a favorite Jewish topic such as Jewish art, texts, food, literature or Israeli politics, technology, culture, or any other Jewish-related topic.
Since diversity is a core principle of Tidewater Yom Limmud, the workshop can be presented in a variety of ways (lecture, workshop, film, panel, or debate, for example). Presenters of all backgrounds and ages are welcome.
For more information on becoming a presenter, contact Melissa Eichelbaum at In Yom Limmud, all are equal, and presenters also register and pay $18 to attend. Presenters are not paid.
*Of blessed memory