Beach Community Shul built on passion

by | Aug 31, 2023 | Other News

Following four years of service to Orlando’s Jewish community, Rabbi Meir and Adina Lessoff have brought their passion and commitment to Virginia Beach. Their mission: to reach Jews in search of a deeper connection to their heritage.

Arriving as newcomers to Virginia Beach, the Lessoffs, both 27 years old, collaborated with the synagogue, Heichal Shlomo (founded by the Sibony family), and harnessed the power of social media to make connections with area Jewish individuals. Their outreach began with delivering challah before Shabbat and offering free kosher mezuzot for front doors – one home at a time. With their youthful energy and dedication, they visit elderly couples and engage volunteers to enhance the community experience.

At the heart of the Lessoffs’ synagogue lies inclusivity. Shabbat services, lessons, and events are offered free or with a subsidized option. From Jewish Kids Club for children, to Women’s Circles, Men’s Socials, and Youth Circles, the Lessoffs tailor programs to suit every age and demographic. In fact, events have been known to attract more than 200 participants, demonstrating the rapid growth of their local Jewish community.

The Lessoffs say they believe that “building a thriving community begins with a genuine willingness to connect, share, and nurture.”

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