New Officers of the Auxiliary of The Berger-Goldrich Home: Marlene Rossen, Ruth Rothman, Paula K. Levy, Gloria Polay, Barbara Pributsky, Harriett Eluto, Joan Goodstein and Pansy Perlman
The Auxiliary of The Berger-Goldrich Home held its Annual Spring Luncheon and Installation at The Home on Thursday, May 17.
Following hors d’oeuvres in the lobby, the guests adjourned to the Pincus Paul Social Hall for lunch and the program. Introductory remarks were made by outgoing president, Ruth Rothman who was ending her five-year term as the leader of the Auxiliary. David Abraham, executive vice president of Beth Sholom Village gave a report on the State of The Village and thanked the Auxiliary for all of the good works they do, as well as all of the financial support they provide. After lunch prepared by the Village Caterers under the direction of Dan Hahn, executive chef, and supervised by Stan Riddick, director of Dietary Services, guests were treated to musical selections by The Dreams Band.
The last order of the day was the installation of the new board. The following were installed as officers: Co-Presidents–Glenda Greenhouse and Marlene Rossen, Vice- President Membership–Barbara Abraham, Vice-President Fund-Raising–Paula K. Levy, Treasurer–Harriett Eluto, Recording Secretary–Dana Patish, Corresponding Secretary–Gloria Polay and Social Secretary–Barbara Pributsky. Pansy Perlman, a past president of the Auxiliary performed the installation.

David Abraham and Ruth Rothman
The Auxiliary raises funds for residents of The Home through Gift Shop sales, challah sales and a Phantom Donor. Funds are used for all the little “extras” that make The Home more homelike, including dining room flowers, newspapers and the popular bingo money.
For information on joining the Auxiliary, call The Home at 420-2512.
Beth Sholom Village is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.