Beth Sholom Village listed with the Best

by | Mar 1, 2013 | Mazel Tov

The news from Beth Sholom Village keeps getting better and better.

U.S. News & World Report released it fifth annual Best Nursing Homes ratings on Tuesday, Feb. 26 and was featured on’s Editor’s pick on their home page.

The article was called “America’s top nursing homes in 2013.” The ratings cover more than 15,000 nursing homes nationwide and are available at Click through and search for Beth Sholom Village by state or zip code. Beth Sholom Village is featured as one of America’s top nursing homes in 2013.

About 20 percent of all nursing homes in Virginia earned an overall fivestar rating. According to David Abraham, executive vice president of Beth Sholom Village, “this news comes on the heels of having just received our five star rating from the state in December 2012. I am so proud of our staff in their efforts to meet and exceed expectations of our residents, family members and our community.”