Brith Sholom: In-person again

by | Dec 9, 2021 | Other News

Brith Sholom members have been patiently waiting for the time that they would be able to resume their monthly brunches in person. After all, it has been more than 20 months since they were able to be together and enjoy the camaraderie they looked forward to each month.

Although the club met for programs over Zoom, it just wasn’t the same. To complicate things, they were no longer able to meet in their usual home in Beth Shalom Village for fear of bringing COVID-19 into the building. It is easy to imagine the members’ excitement when it was announced that they could finally meet for an in-person brunch on November 14 in the Masonic Temple on Granby Street.

The overwhelming feeling that day was sheer joy to be together again! Following COVID-19 protocols (vaccinations, social distancing, masks, etc.), nearly 100 members were incredibly happy to see each other again.

Irene Weintrob, wife of the organization’s president, Joe Weintrob, puts it simply, “It’s a pleasure to be here with friends that we haven’t seen in such a long time.”

Linda Longman muses, “I hope we will recognize each other with masks!”

Beth Sholom Home catered the brunch with their usual delicious foods. David Lesser, vice president, sums up everyone’s feelings by saying, “It’s great to be back!”

The next in-person brunch is scheduled for December 12 at the Masonic Temple. Hopefully, these brunches will continue until the group is able to return to their home in Beth Sholom Village.

Two future Zoom programs are also taking place. Dr. Mark Soccio, an area chiropractor, spoke to the group about things to do at home to improve overall physical function on December 5. On January 2, Tom Purcell, Wellness director for the Simon Family JCC, as well as personal trainer and group exercise leader, will continue the discussion of personal health by talking about the importance of exercise and maintaining quality of life as aging. On-going programming also includes Zoom bingo games on the third Sunday of every month.

Brith Sholom is a nonpolitical organization which aims to foster and perpetuate the spirit, ideals, and traditions of Judaism. Its philanthropic endeavor is to support local Jewish education and community organizations, as well as international groups that aid needy causes. Activities include brunches with speakers, dinners, dances, trips, cultural events and entertainment.

For more information, contact LeeAnne Mallory at 757-461-1150 or

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