
by | Dec 4, 2015 | Featured

Dear Readers,

“It’s not personal, it’s strictly business,” Michael Corleone says to his brother Sonny in The Godfather. A renowned line from the famous film, it is exactly the opposite of what the articles in this section on business emphasize.

For those featured, their businesses are very personal.

Consider, for example, our cover story on Karen Jaffe’s remarkable life-saving product, StarChase. Based in Virginia Beach, this company’s technology is literally changing police pursuits across the nation. And Jaffe, rightly so, feels good about its impact.

A co-chair of UJFT’s Business & Legal Society, Faith Jacobson’s article on the Society’s programs and efforts highlights its personal nature, which goes along with B&L’s mission: “…to connect Jewish professionals to build a foundation for the future, foster a heightened sense of community, and strengthen the mission of the UJFT.” Business and legal professionals who are not already members might want to join after reading her piece.

Several area Jewish business professionals were recently honored for their volunteerism, their fundraising efforts and their success at providing good places for their employees to work. Mazel Tov to them and to those who work with these award-winning leaders!

Did you know that Kind Snacks, maker of Kind bars, is owned by a Jewish man who grew up in Mexico City? Daniel Lubetzky is all about goodwill and kindness, and so his company donates $10,000 each month to a social cause. Now, that’s personal.

Whatever your business philosophy, whatever your taste in movies, we hope you enjoy this section.

Terri Denison