Sunday, March 2, 11 am–3 pm
For the third time, Operation Hamantashen, a joint venture of the UJFT Young Adult Division and the JCC Children and Family Department, will take place at the Sandler Family Campus. In 2012, more than 100 bakers and helpers of all ages convened in the cafeteria of the Simon Family JCC to partake in the annual baking extravaganza.
The “Operation” will generate about 1,500 cookies, which will then be distributed to Jewish soldiers serving our country at local and regional military bases in time for the Purim holiday.
With stations for rolling and cutting, filling and folding, and egg brushing, every willing participant, from BBYO teens to Hillel students to young families and grandparents, can roll up their sleeves and partake in the baking process.
Children and teens will also make greeting cards thanking soldiers for their hard work. The cards will accompany each package sent with the Hamantashen so that soldiers can taste and enjoy a little Purim away from home.
For more information about upcoming Young Adult Division events at the UJFT, contact Amy Weinstein at 965-6127.