Community invited to UJFT Annual Campaign Kickoff featuring JFNA president

by | Aug 18, 2015 | What’s Happening

Thursday, September 17, 6:45 pm, Sandler Family Campus

The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater kicks off its 2016 Annual Campaign with an evening of socializing, information and inspiration.

The entire community is invited to the free event; a night designed to share the impact that donations to the Annual Campaign have in this community and far beyond.

Following a cocktail and kosher hors d’oeuvre reception, the president and CEO of the Jewish Federations of North America, Jerry Silverman, will discuss how the Tidewater Jewish community can, and already is, meeting the challenges and securing a Jewish future. He’ll also provide updates on trends and concerns about Jewish communities in the U.S., in Israel, and in other countries.

Silverman heads up the umbrella organization of which UJFT, 150 other North American Federations, and 300 Network Communities are a part. The Federation’s concept of communal giving— which involves fundraising through the Annual Campaign—results in its being able to touch more Jewish lives than any other organization in the world, and its placement among the top 10 global charities.

Call 757-965-6124 or email to RSVP or for more information.