Consider a philanthropic audit

Meet “Ellen,” a perpetual giver. From her synagogue, the Food Bank of Southeastern Virginia, and Hillels, to her alma maters, Ellen supports a wide array of causes on a monthly or yearly basis. Some contributions come directly from her cash flow, while others are grants from her Donor Advised fund. Ellen is passionate about her causes, yet if asked to list them, she’d struggle to recall them all. She knows what matters to her, but the specifics sometimes get lost in the mix.

This is where the Tidewater Jewish Foundation team steps in with their unique approach to a “philanthropic audit.” The TJF team understands that donors such as Ellen, who are generous and committed, often don’t realize the full scope of their impact — or how to ensure that their contributions continue long after they’re gone. 

“We start by talking about their Jewish story and all the things they support annually. Then, together we encourage the donor to prioritize that list, considering what should be part of their legacy,” says Naomi Limor Sedek, TJF president.

TJF’s approach is not just about numbers; it’s about empowering donors to make informed decisions. Limor Sedek compares the philanthropic audit to a regular health checkup: “Just as you see a professional for other aspects of your life, why not see a professional to be mindful with what you’re doing with your philanthropy?” 

Limor Sedek reflects on her father’s legacy, a man who, despite his modest upbringing, was very generous. As a son of Holocaust survivors and an immigrant at age 11, he instilled in Limor Sedek a deep commitment to helping others. When he passed away at 52, Limor Sedek, then 24, felt a strong responsibility to continue his philanthropic legacy. She absorbed his commitment into her own giving, ensuring that the community would not suffer from his loss. “This experience has been a driving force in my career,” she explains. “It motivates me every day to help others secure their own legacies and ensure their impact endures.”

This decision was not only about honoring her father but also about passing on Jewish values of philanthropy, legacy, and community as she has set an example for her children by endowing her own charitable contributions. By endowing her gifts, she ensured that her children wouldn’t be burdened by her commitments but can have an opportunity to build and invest in the community in ways meaningful to them. 

Tidewater Jewish Foundation’s team offers invaluable guidance to those interested in securing their philanthropic legacy and involving their families in the process. Schedule an appointment for a philanthropic audit by contacting Naomi Limor Sedek at or 757-965-6109.