Sunday, March 6, 11 am—2 pm, Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus
Recruitment has begun and enlistment is open for the annual community baking effort known as Operation Hamantaschen.
Volunteers are needed to help roll, fill, pinch, bake, and box the triangular- shaped traditional cookies associated with the Jewish festival of Purim.
While a few of the cookies may slip into the mouths of hungry “quality control” assistants, the goal is to send the goodies to Jewish members of the military deployed or stationed on U.S. bases.
Boxes will be shipped in time for recipients to enjoy the cookies on or before Purim, March 23–24.
“Living in a military community, we are so mindful of the sacrifices they have to make,” says Stephanie Steerman, chair of this year’s event. “For our Jewish troops, the least we can do is give them a little taste of home by baking them hamantaschen.”
The free event is organized by the Young Adult Division of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and the Simon Family JCC Department of Children and Family.
Last year, more than 150 people participated, baking and packaging about 2,000 cookies, which are also shared with Jewish Family Service of Tidewater’s food pantries.
“Making hamentaschen together with parents and friends is an important part of creating a meaningful Jewish experience for children of all ages—even toddlers,” says Alicia Cohen Kraus, JCC’s director of Children and Family programs.
“Operation Hamentaschen allows families to get a jump start of fulfilling the mitzvah (positive commandment) of mishloach manot, sending gifts, one of the four mitzvot associated with the celebration of Purim.”
In addition to baking, volunteers are needed to decorate the boxes cookies are shipped in and to write letters of encouragement and appreciation to military members.
Visit to RSVP or call 757-321-2323 for more information. RSVPs are requested to ensure sufficient supplies and childcare staff.