CRC getting ready for A Date With The State

Virginia Jewish Advocacy Day: Wednesday, Feb. 5
CRC meeting to discuss agenda: Wednesday, Jan. 8, 6 pm

Virginia Jewish Advocacy Day, when Jews from throughout the Commonwealth descend on the Virginia General Assembly to lobby legislators on issues important to the Jewish communities will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 5.

Virginia’s new Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General have all been invited to speak with the group over an early lunch with fellow citizen activists from around the state. After their talks, while the General Assembly is in session, the participants will be briefed on key Jewish issues on which they will lobby. Then, as the House of Delegates and the State Senate adjourn for the day (usually around 2 pm), the advocates will divide into small groups for a series of scheduled, 20-minute meetings with area legislators.

The Community Relations Council will hold a meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 8 at the Sandler Family Campus to discuss its legislative agenda and invite the community to participate. Issues expected to be discussed include: advocating on health care, Medicaid and public guardianship issues important to Beth Sholom Village and Jewish Family Service of Tidewater. Participants in Date with the State should also expect to lobby on diverse issues such as preserving the separation of church and state as well as supporting funding for the Virginia-Israel Advisory Board, and other issues still under consideration.

Those planning to participate in A Date with the State should also plan on attending the very important lobbying tips and talking points review on Jan. 30 at 6 pm at the Sandler Family Campus.

On Feb. 5, the bus will depart from Simon Family JCC at 8:45 am; the program begins in Richmond at 11 am; the bus should leave Richmond to return to the JCC by 4 pm. The $36 to participate includes a kosher lunch and helps defray the transportation expense.

A strong turnout from Tidewater is needed to demonstrate support of Jewish communal positions. E-mail Robin Mancoll, director, UJFT Community Relations Council, at to confirm participation, or for more information.