Editor marks 20 years at Jewish News

by | Sep 26, 2024 | Latest News

As we usher in 5785 this week, I again wish you and your families l’shana tova tikatevu. May each of us be inscribed in the Book of Life. And may we find better days ahead for all of Israel and the Jewish people.

In this issue of Jewish News, I want to take a moment and recognize Terri Denison, who is celebrating the milestone of 20 years as its editor. Terri pours her heart into the 18 issues of the paper each year, taking tremendous care in what and how local, national, and international news is presented to our Tidewater Jewish community and beyond. Jewish News reaches not only our Jewish friends and neighbors but also our broader community, including friends of all faiths, civic leaders, and elected officials. In what has become an increasingly online world, Jewish News continues to be a vital source of information in our mailboxes. That is a testament to Terri’s commitment to the paper and our community. Terri has also ensured that the paper has an online presence each issue and recently oversaw the revamping of the Jewish News website (JewishNewsVA.org). The site includes digital editions, the Hal Sacks Jewish News Archives, opportunities to donate to support the paper, and more!

I wish I could quote Hal Sacks, of blessed memory, who I know would recall the many book reviews he had published in Jewish News, and the transitions from editor to editor. However, as Harry Graber, former UJFT executive vice president/CEO notes, “Terri stepped in to replace a long-term editor of the paper, Reba Karp, who many considered irreplaceable. But replace her, she did, and then some. She stepped into the role with years of incredible experience in the industry, an immaculate professional reputation and a love for the Jewish community. Terri was not fazed with any community concerns regarding print media or ad revenue and quickly increased sales revenue and modernized the paper’s design. She felt that Jewish News was a community treasure and wanted every issue forever valued as such. I found Terri to be an incredible colleague, cherished every professional moment we shared together, and remember them and her fondly and often most days in my retirement.”

Current Jewish News staff also want to congratulate Terri on her 20th anniversary. Sandy Goldberg, account executive, remembers, “For three years, Terri asked me when I was going to retire and start working with her selling ads for Jewish News. It was the best decision I had made in a long time and that is after working with her for 16 years!” Stephanie Peck, a more recent addition to the team, says, “Terri is a tremendous asset to this community, based on her extensive knowledge of Jewish Tidewater and her expertise as an editor. It’s hard to believe she has managed this pace for 20 years!”

And what a pace it has been! I want to thank Terri’s family, Steve, Madeline, and Deni, for planning their family vacations around Jewish News deadlines. I also want to thank Steve for lending his photography expertise to our community, Deni for her assistance in marketing. and so many other areas over the years, and Rabbis Madeline Budman and Aaron Torop for their words of Torah which have inspired us all!

Terri, from our entire community, thank you and mazel tov on 20 years!