Ever wonder if a vote mattered in an election? Consider the latest Virginia state delegate election recount of Nancy Guy and Chris Stolle. Guy was officially declared the winner of the 83rd House of Delegates race with 40 votes over the incumbent Chris Stolle. Forty votes, 40 people showing up to the polls decided this election.
In American democracy, the people’s voice matters. But rights must be exercised and voices expressed. United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Community Relations Council offers that opportunity at the annual Jewish Advocacy Day, when community members spend a day with fellow Jewish Virginians, making an impact by educating delegates and senators advocating on the issues currently affecting the Jewish community.
In one day, participants sit in their state delegates’ and senators’ offices and tell them why they care about issues of importance to Virginia’s Jewish community—issues the representatives will vote on during the legislative session.
Following the lobbying efforts, more than 200 Jewish Virginians from delegations across the Commonwealth hear from the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General over lunch.
Past issues have included social service programs to care for Virginians, support for agencies including Jewish Family Service and Beth Sholom Village, the Virginia-Israel Advisory Board, combating anti-Semitism and bias legislation, and more.
Date with the State offers the Jewish community an opportunity to be pro-active. These face-to-face meetings send strong signals to lawmakers about the Jewish community being unified and engaged. Additionally, Date with the State allows participants the opportunity to develop personal relationships with elected officials, thus better serving the Jewish community in the future.
-Megan Zuckerman
Tidewater community members voice why Date with the State is important
Brad Lerner
“With the global resurgence of anti-Semitism, this has been quite a challenging year for the Jewish world and our Jewish community in Tidewater. DWTS is a great occasion to help make Virginia a more tolerant, healthy, and prosperous place—not just for Jews, but for everyone.”
Rabbi Gershon Litt
“Date with the State is the one day a year where the Jewish community can have a powerful voice through numbers, and let our elected officials know what is important to us. It is also empowering for our community to know that we can have access to these leaders. This program is truly one of the most valuable things that we can participate in each year.”
Barbara Dudley
“I enjoy seeing my state government in action, and I feel the mood in the State Capitol this year will be productive and positive.”
Alene Kaufman
“Date With the State is important to build bridges among all facets of our Jewish community to insure that our united voice is heard by our elected representatives.
Early drop-off is available for parents of students at the Strelitz International Academy. Pre-registration required with RSVP.
The cost of the day is $36, which includes a kosher lunch and helps defray the cost of transportation.
To reserve a seat on the bus (required by January 29), register and pay online at www.jewishva.org/CRCDateWithTheState.
For more information on CRC, e-mail Megan Zuckerman, director, UJFT Community Relations Council, at mzuckerman@ ujft.org, or call 757-965-6112.