Jason Lurie, Jeremy Krupnick, Jen Groves, Danny Rubin, Shikma Rubin, Guy Berkowitz, Jacob Mart, Amy Weinstein, and Zach Lewis.
Sunday, Jan. 26, 9 am–1 pm
The young adult Steering Committee planning Super Sunday, the Tidewater Jewish community’s annual phone-a-thon are representative of the Tidewater Jewish population. Some are multi-generational Jews, others have only lived here a year or two. Some are temple members, other are unaffiliated.
All, however, through their involvement, have expressed the desire to ensure the vitality of the Tidewater Jewish community, and are gaining insight and inspiration through their involvement in planning the event.
The goal of Super Sunday is to have members of the greater Tidewater Jewish community help raise funds for the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Annual Campaign, which then allocates the funds to local, statewide, national and global Jewish organizations.
The committee of nine—members of the Young Adult Division of the UJFT—is working diligently to establish a successful event that it hopes will raise more than $100,000 for the UJFT Annual Campaign.
Event planning and fundraising isn’t this group’s only goal, however. Committee members are learning about the different area agencies, organizations, schools and facilities that receive funding and guidance from UJFT allocations. They are also learning about the Israel and overseas organizations that the UJFT supports. Learning effective leadership skills is another element of their involvement on the Super Sunday committee.
“This committee is just a fantastic group of young leaders,” says Amy Weinstein, YAD director. “It’s a good mix of people native to the community, or transplants who recently moved to the area. Every one of them has made a commitment to the future and the strength of the Jewish people, and the Tidewater Jewish community.”
In line with the UJFT’s 2014 Annual Campaign theme, Together We Do Extraordinary Things, the Super Sunday steering committee decided this year’s Super Sunday theme would be: From Baby to Bubbe—Our Community Is Extraordinary.
“The idea of babies and grandmothers— bubbes—evolved from discussions about what Super Sunday is, what the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater does, and what being a community really means,” says Weinstein.
“What the committee recognized is how unique the Tidewater community is, that it truly offers something for everyone, and that people really do want to participate, to feel connected, and to make a difference. And that’s what Super Sunday is all about.”
Volunteers are welcome, and needed, to make calls from the Sandler Family Campus on Sunday, January 26. Two shifts are available: 9–11 am and 11 am–1 pm. Call 757-965-6100 for more information, or sign up for a volunteer shift at JewishVA.org/SuperSunday. To find out more about YAD, visit JewishVA.org/YAD.