Gordon Family Philanthropy continues through naming of new hospice Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater

by | May 4, 2012 | Uncategorized

Freda Gordon, of blessed memory, spent her life quietly and humbly nurturing her family and community. Now her legacy of caring and compassion will live on through the Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater.

“Our family is pleased to make this lead gift in Freda’s memory and we hope that it will encourage others to come forward to support Beth Sholom Village, Jewish Family Service, this initiative and our community,” says Tavia Gordon.

This new hospice entity is a partnership between Beth Sholom Village and Jewish Family Service.

“We would like to convey our deepest and most sincere appreciation to Tavia, Steven and Randi Gordon for their generosity in naming the hospice organization in honor of Freda, of blessed memory,” say David Abraham, executive vice president of BSV and Betty Ann Levin, executive director of JFS.
The hospice board of directors is comprised of active BSV and JFS board members. Marcia Futterman Brodie is the first board chairperson and says, “Due to the generosity of the Gordon family, both the Jewish community and community atlarge have another hospice choice when needed.

“Having experienced hospice care within my own family, it is nice to know that Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater is owned and operated locally and developed by people whom many of us know and by those who truly have an interest in providing the best resources available during difficult times. I am proud to be the chairperson
and look forward to serving our community,” says Brodie. To honor her life and her work, Gordon’s family is ensuring all members of the community can end their lives comfortably and peacefully, receiving the highest quality of hospice and palliative (comfort) care, while surrounded by loved ones.

“Freda Gordon was a modest and quiet heroine of our community who was dedicated to her family, community, synagogue and Israel. She was extremely supportive of Jewish education and making sure our youth received a start in life that was fortified by our Jewish teachings, morals and ethics. Now, because of Freda, her family is making sure all members of Jewish Tidewater can end their lives the way they began- surrounded by their loved ones, supported by their community and comforted by their Judaism. On behalf of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Gordon family, Jewish Family Service and Beth Sholom Village, and the UJFT board of directors for making it all possible,” says Harry Graber, executive vice president.

In addition to her role as a loving wife, mother and grandmother, Gordon was truly a caregiver for the entire community through her work as a pharmacist at the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters for more than 30 years. She also nurtured future professionals through teaching pharmacology at DePaul Hospital. Unfortunately, during these activities she occasionally witnessed negative patient outcomes, as well as individual and family suffering. She conveyed a simple message to her family– when her time came, she did not wish to linger.

“My mom cared deeply about end of life issues,” says Steven Gordon. “She watched her father suffer from cancer treatments in the 1960’s, which were much harsher at that time, and wanted others to be more comfortable in his or her last days. She always wanted to die with dignity and was adamant she did not want to suffer.”

When Freda suddenly became ill in the fall of 2011, hospice services had to be brought in to the home rather quickly. “We had been utilizing JFS for home health services,” continues Steven. “We had to quickly transition from JFS to a hospice agency that did not know us. Compounded with the imminent loss of a loved one, it was very stressful. It would have been seamless to transition into hospice care with the same organization.”

Alvin Wall, president of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and a longtime friend of the Gordon family, says, “I have been privileged to know the Gordon family both professionally and personally. The family’s devotion to ‘doing the right thing’ is exemplified through their support of this valuable hospice service. Over the years, I learned about Freda’s interest in helping others in need and how she quietly made her contributions to these causes. Freda never clamored for any fanfare andalways shunned the spotlight, but took
great personal pride in how hard Tavia, Steven and Randi worked for our Jewish community. Freda had a special place in her heart for her three lovely grandchildren and, before gushing over their accomplishments, she would always qualify her compliments by adding ‘I know I’m their grandmother.’ Honoring her with the naming of this hospice entity is a wonderful way for Tavia, Steven, Randi, and especially her grandchildren to always remember all the good things about Freda.”

To make a gift to the Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater, contact David Abraham at 420-2512 or Betty Ann Levin at 321-2222. Following state licensure, which is anticipated this month, the hospice will begin to accept referrals. For more information, contact Jessica J. Willingham, patient care administrator, at 321-2242.
*of blessed memory