Elka Mednick, director The Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater:
Thank you for the donation of To Life: The Past is Present. This book will be a useful addition to the Reference collection in Dinwiddie High School (DHS) Library.
At DHS, every student is required to write a research paper on a Holocaust or World War II topic during his/her English 10 class in conjunction with the study of Elie Wiesel’s Night. The brief, anecdotal stories in your book will bring to life the foundation information that our students find in more traditional reference resources.
While perusing the index to identify entries that are relevant for our students’ research topics, I made two observations. First, whoever compiled the index did a masterful job. It is one of the most detailed and useful content guides that I have seen. Second, your publication aligns perfectly with the topics our students are studying.
Again, your contribution to DHS Library is most appreciated.
Best regards,
Jeanne Minetree
Dinwiddie High School
Dinwiddie, VA
Gratitude for To Life: The Past is Present