Laughter hung in the air long after the end of comedian Elon Gold’s set during the Simon Family JCC’s first Laughter on the Lawn event. More than 400 community members gathered to partake in the hilarity.
“He was so funny,” says Joel Rubin, “I’ve never heard anyone who understands Jewish culture so well and can convey it in such a hilarious way. If I could have bottled that show, I would have.”
With the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus as a backdrop, the outcome of months of crowdfunding efforts led by Cyndi Tessler came to fruition. A cross-section of the community—old and young and from all denominations— celebrated the light-hearted side of Jewish culture. Gold was quick on his feet, making riotous observations about Tidewater’s JCC and community that rang entertainingly true. He even engaged an audience member as his sidekick in a re-invented “who’s on first” routine.
As the night drew to a close and people gathered their belongings to leave, thanks were given to Gold, David Tessler, and Cyndi Tessler for providing such a fun and bright night of comedy and togetherness. Community building was the vision behind this event and with the generosity of donors and lay leaders, Laughter on the Lawn will be remembered for just that.
– Erin Dougherty