Hebrew Academy welcomes author David M. Schwartz

by | Feb 14, 2014 | Other News

David Schwartz, author of How Much is a Million, uses silly antics to teach HAT students about numbers in a very high spirited way.

David Schwartz, author of How Much is a Million, uses silly antics to teach HAT students about numbers in a very high spirited way.

Hebrew Academy students were recently treated to a mind blowing experience from David M. Schwartz, author of How Much is a Million, and 50 other children’s books. Schwartz’s exceptional spiritedness taught students to visualize numbers in extraordinary ways, such as these nuggets of information: it takes 23 days to count to 1,000,000; counting to one billion would take 95 years, and counting to one trillion would take almost 200,000 years. Through visuals and role-play, Schwartz’s antics made numbers and animals come alive, leaving everyone laughing, clapping and reeling with a new understanding of the world.

Libbie and Albert Kaplan established a memorial fund in honor of their daughter, Janis Lynn Kaplan, which allows Hebrew Academy of Tidewater to provide dynamic learning opportunities through visiting authors every year.

Hebrew Academy of Tidewater is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

by Lorna Legum, HAT librarian and media specialist