Hebrew Ladies Charity Society celebrates 110 years of service

by | Nov 21, 2012 | Uncategorized

Laura Kesser, Arlene Kesser and Sharon Laderberg.

Laura Kesser, Arlene Kesser and Sharon Laderberg.

More than 200 people gathered at Beth Sholom Village on Tuesday, Oct. 23 to celebrate the 110th birthday of Hebrew Ladies Charity Society.

Founded in 1902, children and grandchildren of the original founders of HLCS were honored at the luncheon. Photographs of the founders and their descendants were prominently displayed. Proclamations in honor of HLCS were issued by the White House, the Governor of Virginia, the mayors of Norfolk and Virginia Beach, and the directors of Jewish Family Service and Tidewater Jewish Foundation. The mayor of Norfolk declared October 23 as Hebrew Ladies Charity Society Day.

“Hats” was the day’s theme, so many women wore hats—both contemporary and vintage. Several guests even wore vintage clothing—either inherited, rented or borrowed. Winners of the hat contest were: Honorable mention to Lillian Piasecki, a resident of The Terrace; third place to Kay Kesser; second place to Esta Kreisman and the first prize to Arlene Kesser. Lili’s of Ghent provided gift certificates for prizes. Lili’s also presented an amazing fashion show using professional models, as well as HLCS members.

Kay Kesser, Linda Longman, and Donna Kootner.

Kay Kesser, Linda Longman, and Donna Kootner.

Members of the community were invited to participate in the event by donating $110 to the 110 Society. Funds will go to Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater and donations are still being accepted. To contribute any amount, mail checks to Carol Levitin at 1321 Noble Street, Norfolk, VA 23518.

The lunch was prepared by The Village Caterers. Tables were decorated with mannequin heads wearing hats, as well as other vintage items—jewelry, gloves, lace and more. To join HLCS, send a check for $50 (annual) or $150 for a life membership to Jackie Sandler at 305 Brooke Avenue, #307, Norfolk, VA 23510.

HLSC thanks all who supported this event and all the vendors and committee members who made it so successful.

by Leslie Legum