When giving to the United Way of South Hampton Roads through your workplace or individually, please consider designating all or part of your pledge to the Simon Family JCC and/or Jewish Family Service of Tidewater.
When you get your United Way form, you’ll see it’s changed this year. You will need to write the agencies’ names in a special box on the bottom of the page; the box reads: Gift to a 501 (c)(3) Agency. There are no codes, simply write in Marilyn and Marvin Simon Family JCC or Jewish Family Service of Tidewater.
Your United Way designation to the JCC or JFS helps fund scholarships for children attending summer camp and the Strelitz Early Childhood Center. The designation also means there are critically needed funds for our most vulnerable and impoverished community members through subsidized counseling, Meals on Wheels, and guardianship services. By filling in these agencies’ names, you are also helping to keep other, essential programs in place, which increasingly are threatened by budget cuts in other sources of funding.