Through June 7, 8 am–10 pm,
Old Dominion University Virginia Beach
The Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s annual student art exhibit is currently on display in the Atrium of the Virginia Beach Higher Education Center, 1881 University Dr., off of Princess Anne Rd.
More than 60 winning and selected entries in the Commission’s 2014 Elie Wiesel Visual Arts Competition for Students can be viewed from, weekdays, and limited weekend hours. The exhibit is free and open to the public.
An opening reception was held on May 20. Students were honored and recognized for their artistic contributions to the mission of Holocaust education. About 125 artists, friends, families, Commission members and ODU students attended the reception.
All winning entries in the Holocaust Commission’s 2014 Elie Wiesel Writing and Visual Arts Competitions for Students can be found online at
by Laine Mednick Rutherford