JCRC interviews Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District’s candidates: Representative Jen Kiggans (R) and Missy Cotter Smasal.

by | Oct 23, 2024 | Election, Latest News

The Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater posed a series of questions to the candidates running for Virginia’s Second Congressional District: Congresswoman Jen Kiggans and Missy Cotter Smasal. Their responses follow.

JCRC strives to motivate, educate, and advocate on issues important to the Jewish community locally, nationally, and globally. For more information about the upcoming elections on November 5, to determine which district is yours, which candidates will be on your ballot, and to learn more about the candidates, visit JewishVA.org/Election24.

Jen Kiggans

Jewish Community Relations Council: Data released in September by the Federal Bureau of Investigation reveals that in 2023, reported single-bias anti-Jewish hate crime incidents rose to 1,832 incidents, a sharp increase of 63 percent from 2022, and the highest number ever recorded by the FBI since it began collecting data in 1991. How do you plan to address this rising hate in Congress?

Jen Kiggans: The explosion of antisemitism we’ve seen both at home and abroad in the wake of Hamas’ unprovoked October 7 attacks must be universally condemned. There is absolutely no place for this disgusting hate and bigotry in our great nation, and it’s more important than ever to use our voices as elected officials to call out these incidents of antisemitism, as well as those responsible for them.

On the federal level, I’ve worked hard to be a voice and an advocate for our Jewish community, as well as for our ally, Israel. In the wake of October 7, I called on my colleagues on the Appropriations Committee to reject harmful funding cuts to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, which is critical to the safety and security of synagogues in Virginia and around the country. I also stood with more than 300 of my colleagues on the House floor to vote to condemn and denounce the drastic rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world. Additionally, I introduced a bipartisan resolution to condemn Hamas’ use of sexual violence, which passed the House of Representatives in February. Though we’ve seen troubling rhetoric and behavior on college campuses, television networks, and even in the halls of Congress, our commonsense leaders will ALWAYS stand with Israel and the Jewish people in our country and around our world.

JCRC: At a recent Summit to address rising antisemitism on university campuses, AJC CEO Ted Deutch shared, “Only by ensuring that the voices of the Jewish community are not silenced can we ensure the free exchange of ideas, the importance of which extends beyond campus and forms the bedrock of our liberal democracy.” How will you address the hate on university campuses across this country?

JK: We must ensure that Americans are not subjected to threats and intimidation such as the disgusting displays we saw on college campuses across the country this past year. It is the duty of university administrators, education and local leaders, and all of us to make it known that this hatred has no place in our communities and in our country. It’s why I voted to condemn antisemitism on college campuses and have repeatedly called for accountability for those who have failed to adequately address it.

The Congressional hearings that led to the resignation of top university officials were a good start, but we must continue to keep up the pressure on our institutions of high learning to foster environments which support a wide variety of opinions and beliefs devoid of bigotry and hatred.

JCRC: What do you see as the impact of a nuclear Iran? What should the U.S. Congress do to counter Iran’s power in the Middle East?

JK: Iran must NEVER be allowed to gain access to a nuclear weapon. The Ayatollah has been very clear about his plans to eliminate Israel from existence and wage nuclear war on the United States and the west. The development of nuclear weapons by the Iranian Government would be nothing short of a catastrophe for the Middle East and our world as a whole, which is why I voted to freeze the nearly $11B that the Biden-Harris Administration inexplicably sent to the Iranian Regime last year. I also proudly cosponsored the Iranian Sanctions Enforcement Act of 2023, which would provide additional funding for the seizure of Iranian assets.

Though Iran may not currently have a nuclear weapon, they continue to actively pursue ways to destroy Israel and the west, including through the use of nuclear weapons. Whether it be the launching of ballistic missiles at Israel or continuous acts of terrorism by Hamas, Hezbollah, and their other proxies in the region, there is no doubt that Iran feels emboldened and will only continue to escalate their aggression. These acts of terrorism are not just affecting Israel; Iran’s proxies have injured multiple U.S. servicemembers in the region. Malicious and oppressive regimes like Iran only understand one language: strength. Any strategy of appeasement is severely misguided; we must return to policies of harsh sanctions to ensure that the Ayatollah’s destructive plans never come to fruition.

JCRC: As a Member of Congress, what would you say to those who deny Israel’s legitimacy and its right to defend itself and its people?

JK: Israel is our closest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. Anyone who seeks to delegitimize or deny their right to exist and defend themselves is severely misguided and does not stand with the people of Israel and the global Jewish community.

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to visit Israel, where we toured several of the sites of the October 7th Massacre, including the grounds of the Nova Music Festival. We also met with the families of some of the hostages and listened to their powerful testimonies, held a briefing with top IDF Officials, and visited a few of Israel’s beautiful historical sites. The trip was incredibly moving. Visiting the sites where Hamas began their unprovoked war just months after it happened was powerful beyond words. While much of our trip was very solemn, it also reaffirmed my commitment to Israel and her people.

Today – and every day – I am proud to stand strong and be a steadfast advocate for Israel and our shared democratic values.

Missy Cotter Smasal

Jewish Community Relations Council: Data released in September by the Federal Bureau of Investigation reveals that in 2023, reported single-bias anti-Jewish hate crime incidents rose to 1,832 incidents, a sharp increase of 63 percent from 2022 and the highest number ever recorded by the FBI since it began collecting data in 1991. How do you plan to address this rising hate in Congress?

Missy Cotter Smasal: I am very concerned about the rise of antisemitism and the anti-Israel sentiment that has increased in the US. It’s incumbent upon leaders, both in Congress and in the community, to reject discrimination, to recognize the increased threat posed to the Jewish community and find ways to counter that threat while providing more safety and security. Leaders must be resolute about combating antisemitism. I will always stand with the Jewish community against hatred and bigotry and support strong hate crimes laws to hold those who break the law accountable.

JCRC: At a recent Summit to address rising antisemitism on university campuses, AJC CEO Ted Deutch shared, “Only by ensuring that the voices of the Jewish community are not silenced can we ensure the free exchange of ideas, the importance of which extends beyond campus and forms the bedrock of our liberal democracy.” How will you address the hate on university campuses across this country?

MCS: Colleges and universities should be free and open places to exchange ideas without hatred or bigotry – and colleges must hold students accountable for inciting violence or impeding the education of others. Threats against students, including the Jewish community, are completely unacceptable and cannot be tolerated, and universities must enforce their rules firmly and fairly to keep students and faculty safe.

JCRC: What do you see as the impact of a nuclear Iran? What should the U.S. Congress do to counter Iran’s power in the Middle East?

MCS: Iran cannot be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons, which would represent a serious, existential security threat to Israel, the broader Middle East, and the world as a whole. I unequivocally support efforts to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, and in Congress, I will support diplomatic efforts to reign in Iran. I support building global coalitions to counter Iran’s aggressive behavior. But, Iran’s aggressive behavior is more than just their nuclear ambitions. Diplomatic efforts must recognize this moving forward. In addition, Iran continues to fund Hamas and other terrorist groups in the Middle East. Their actions continue to impede the path to peace in the region. Ultimately, all options must remain on the table to prevent a nuclear Iran.

JCRC: As a Member of Congress, what would you say to those who deny Israel’s legitimacy and its right to defend itself and its people?

MCS: Israel has a right to exist – that is both a moral and geopolitical imperative. Israel has been an important partner for the United States and a key ally in our foreign policy initiatives for over 75 years. The U.S.-Israel relationship is rooted in mutual security concerns and a shared support of democracy. In Congress, I will work to strengthen this special relationship by supporting efforts to provide foreign and military aid, solidifying the cultural ties between our two countries, and advocating for foreign policy measures that support our alliance.

As a former Surface Warfare Officer in the U.S. Navy who was deployed aboard the U.S.S. Trenton during Operation Enduring Freedom, I am steadfast in my resolve to fight terrorism and believe we must support our allies during times of crises and attack. On October 7th, Israel was attacked by terrorists, and they must defend themselves against future attacks. We should increase our efforts to support our democratic allies across the world by funding our full foreign aid budget and by promoting efforts to support democracy and Western values.

In Congress, I will honor and support the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding between the Israeli and United States governments. As a core ally to the United States, this commitment to continue aid to Israel without additional conditions signifies the strong and enduring relationship between the United States and Israel, particularly in the realm of defense and security cooperation. This aid is crucial for Israel’s security and defense capabilities in a volatile region, particularly after the October 7th terrorist attack committed by Hamas.