March is Social Work Month, a time when Jewish Family Service of Tidewater recognizes and salutes its social workers and case managers. The profession of hope—fueled by resilience and advocacy, social workers daily help millions of struggling people dream differently.
Betty Ann Levin, JFS executive director, says, “Our highly trained social workers and case managers know how daunting and immobilizing life’s tragedies and obstacles can be. But they also witness the sheer determination of countless individuals and families to achieve different lives.”
Sometimes, all it takes to help people get on the right path is guidance toward what is possible. Other times, social workers are an immediate lifeline in crisis— providing access to resources and new life options.
Those served by social workers possess many strengths that keep them fighting for a better future despite personal and systemic barriers to success. Professional social workers help combine these client strengths with effective personal and public advocacy. It is with these concepts in mind that NASW chose the theme for Social Work Month 2013 as “Weaving Threads of Resilience and Advocacy: The Power of Social Work.”